Riverwalk Fountain
This area of our web site is intended to communicate with you about the types of items we are always looking for to add to the collections.
We also will use this area to identify particular items that we are specifically looking for. If you have any of these items or can direct us to someone who has, we would appreciate your contacting us with that information.
- School Yearbooks
- City Directories
- Photographs of Batavia Families, Businesses, Organizations, Churches, Events, Celebrations (These can be copied and returned within a few days.)
- Any artifacts of old Batavia Diaries, stories, memories, military histories of anyone who has lived in Batavia
Presently, we are particularly seeking one of the “slave” clocks from the old high school on Batavia Avenue.
We have the master clock on display at the Depot Museum and would like to have one of the “slaves” in another part of the museum to show how the master works. Can you help us?
We would like to hear your memories of playing at “Fairyland” on VanBuren Street. Won’t you send them to us please.

Batavia Body Company workers (about 1950)
Donors: Denis & Nancy Bowren

Dinner guests of Mr. Garsson (about 1940)